Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Inbetween Book Trailer to be featured on USA Today's HEA Blog!

Happy hump day everyone! We are only half way through the week, but it's been a big one for me so far. First of all a HUGE thank you to the book bloggers out there! You guys are beyond awesome and the amount of excitment and support you are showing me and my book just floors me. We started off the week with the "updated" cover reveal for INBETWEEN. The following day the INBETWEEN Blog Tour Sign Ups filled up within a matter of a few hours! And today review copies officially started to go out! So that means some of you are holding Inbetween in your hands as I type! Eeek!

But if all that wasn't enough, my awesome publicist dropped some more good news on me today...
The INBETWEEN book trailer will be featured on USA Today's HEA Blog next Thursday!

"The kiss that is steaming up pages will now steam up your computer screen. Stay tuned when Inbetween's book trailer makes its debut on USA Today's HEA's blog next week!"

That's it for my update this time guys. We are only 40 days away from release day and I am so excited for you all to meet Finn, Emma, and the rest of my reaper crew! Now I'm off to work on Kissed by Death book #2.  Have a great rest of the week! :)